Tuesday, September 19, 2023




An introduction to Parrot


© Dmitry Pichugin, Fotolia

Parrot is an all-in-one tool for developing and executing new programming languages. 
Perl 6 runs on Parrot; chances are your language can run on it, too. ... 
An introduction to Parrot ...  

Parrot ... , and Python, the Parrot development team has constructed a virtual machine and a suite of tools to compile and execute (conceivably) any computer language. 

Parrot [2] was initially conceived as an engine

Are you exhausted from working on the same old code day after day? Is your programming language a clunker? Do you need a little more oomph to merge onto the information superhighway? Suffer no more. Coder's Kingdom has something for everyone, so come on down! Here's PHP 5: practical and great for the web with spunky bytecode acceleration. Or Ruby 1.9: this looker, fresh from the factory, is a real cloud-pleaser. Do you want to save a little cash? Try certified, pre-owned programming languages. Perl 5.8 is priced to move. Coder's Kingdom. Where every coder is king.

Coder's Kingdom might not exist, but choosing a programming language is strikingly similar to buying a car. Like a car, each programming language is designed with an intent, be it utility, speed, or size. Like a car, a language can offer exotic, cutting-edge features. Choosing a language is a significant investment, too, with potentially harmful and even disastrous consequences if the selection is ill considered. Additionally, each language includes mandatory parts – literals, variables, subroutines, and flow control instead of four tires, a steering wheel, and a windshield.

Indeed, the bulk of the work developing a new programming language is spent on (pardon the allusion) reinventing the wheel. 

The source of language must be decomposed by a parser,

assembled into tokens

collated into statements

abstracted into syntax trees, and finally, 

either interpreted or converted into something executable, such as bytecode or binary.

Moreover, even once constructed, a new programming language is limited unless it provides a raft of supplemental capabilities, such as regular expressions and interfaces to system calls.                      Some overhead can be avoided by constructing facades around C libraries, such as the                         Perl Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library, but that too requires at least some effort. And ironically, language after language pursues such work because there is little other choice.

However, there are exceptions: Microsoft's long-standing .NET initiative permits many languages – 

C#, Visual Basic, C++, and open source languages ported to .NET – to share code because each is ultimately compiled to a common low-level target, Common Intermediate Language (CIL) [1]. JRuby is also an exception: JRuby runs Ruby code on top the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Still, the vast majority of computer programming languages remain isolated, like trying to put a Hemi into a Honda.

A Unified Approach

To speed the development of new languages, facilitate code sharing among all languages, and hasten the execution of dynamic languages such as Perl, Ruby, and Python, the Parrot development team has constructed a virtual machine and a suite of tools to compile and execute (conceivably) any computer language. Parrot [2] was initially conceived as an engine for Perl 6, but its charter was expanded because it's suitable for a vast class of code. As the Parrot website states, "In theory, you will be able to 

write a class in Perl

subclass it in Python, and then 

instantiate and use that subclass in a Tcl program."

Because Parrot is a one-stop compiler shop, it provides all the tools required to 

convert source code into a running program.

  • The Parser Grammar Engine (PGE) defines the syntax of a programming language with rules. One rule might define the syntax of an assignment statement, whereas another might define the structure of a subroutine. PGE parses input, yields tokens, and attempts to match the stream of tokens against all the rules. A match indicates a valid clause in the language.
  • Each rule, in turn, may call one or more actions. If you are writing a new programming language, the semantics of the language are expressed in actions. Each action transforms a match into a language-independent data structure called a Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree (PAST)
  • PAST represents a statement as a tree, typically with operands as the leaves and operators, including control structures, as branches. Cumulatively, an entire program is ultimately represented by a PAST tree with the special node TOP at the root.
  • Parrot Intermediate Representation (PIR) is easily written by hand and is the usual output of a compiler targeting Parrot. It abstracts away some low-level details to reduce the burden on programmers and compiler writers.
  • Parrot Assembly (PASM) is more mechanical than PIR. It can be coded manually and can be generated by a compiler, but every detail, such as register allocation, must be attended to.
  • The lowest level representation is Parrot Byte Code (PBC). Although you can think of this as machine code, it does not run on hardware. Instead, PBC is executed by Parrot.

Parrot can run PBC, PASM, PIR, and PAST files.

Parrot Abstract Syntax Tree  (PAST) isn't suitable for manual coding, but it is ideal for integration between tools.

11-04-2023 SAT 

Update and system upgrade Issues with public 🗝 Key

Parrot's Security  
11-04-2023 SAT 
~ Samuel F Campbell 

• AnonSurf Privacy: Tor network transparent proxy, IRC clients, stream multiplexing capabilites, GTK Libraries, and Instant Messaging, .onion sites, TLS connections, TCP connections,
• Cryptography,.
• Meta data cleaning,.


First Thing To Do After Installing Any Linux OS.::
echo "Updating" &&
sudo apt-get update
echo "Upgrading" &&
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
echo "Cleaning Up" &&
sudo apt-get -f install &&
sudo apt-get autoremove &&
sudo apt-get -y autoclean &&
sudo apt-get -y clean
$ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y


└──╼ $sudo update && full distro-upgrade

We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System

Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:

    #1) Respect the privacy of others.

    #2) Think before you type.

    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.

[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                                             

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: 

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification.                                           The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used

GPG error: 

https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease:                                                      The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. 

The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease:                                  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease              The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch 


The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:


File not found - 


(2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download.                                                                          They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

failed to update index lists

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11 libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5 libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5 libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5 libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5  libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5 libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5  libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5 libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1 libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5  phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

bash: full: command not found


└──╼ $  lsbrelease -a

bash: lsbrelease: command not found


└──╼ $ lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.

Distributor ID: Parrot

Description:       Parrot OS 4.11

Release:             4.11

Codename:       n/a


└──╼ $


└──╼ $


└──╼ $


└──╼ $ uname -a

Linux samuel-precisionm4500 5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-6parrot1 (2021-04-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux


└──╼ $

:::::::::::::::::::::::Day Two ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


└──╼ $ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                     

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                                

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B



 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done


W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B


W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B


W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B


W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B


W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B


W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)


W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE


Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.IClREKT0G9/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE

gpg: "THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE" not a key ID: skipping


└──╼ $sudo apt-key list

Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).



pub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [SC] [expires: 2029-01-15]

      1F89 983E 0081 FDE0 18F3  CC96 73A4 F27B 8DD4 7936

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (11/bullseye) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [S] [expires: 2029-01-15]



pub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [SC] [expires: 2029-01-15]

      AC53 0D52 0F2F 3269 F5E9  8313 A484 4904 4AAD 5C5D

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (11/bullseye) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [S] [expires: 2029-01-15]



pub   rsa4096 2021-02-13 [SC] [expires: 2029-02-11]

      A428 5295 FC7B 1A81 6000  62A9 605C 66F0 0D6C 9793

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (11/bullseye) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>



pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expires: 2027-04-12]

      80D1 5823 B7FD 1561 F9F7  BCDD DC30 D7C2 3CBB ABEE

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expires: 2027-04-12]



pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expires: 2027-04-12]

      5E61 B217 265D A980 7A23  C5FF 4DFA B270 CAA9 6DFA

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expires: 2027-04-12]



pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expires: 2027-02-03]

      6D33 866E DD8F FA41 C014  3AED DCC9 EFBF 77E1 1517

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>



pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-20]

      E1CF 20DD FFE4 B89E 8026  58F1 E0B1 1894 F66A EC98

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (9/stretch) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expires: 2025-05-20]



pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-20]

      6ED6 F5CB 5FA6 FB2F 460A  E88E EDA0 D238 8AE2 2BA9

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (9/stretch) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expires: 2025-05-20]



pub   rsa4096 2017-05-20 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-18]

      067E 3C45 6BAE 240A CEE8  8F6F EF0F 382A 1A7B 6500

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (9/stretch) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>



pub   rsa3072 2019-02-11 [SC] [expired: 2021-02-10]

      813E EFE8 0280 C579 E2A1  F5E6 B56F FA94 6EB1 660A

uid           [ expired] Parrot project <team@parrotsec.org>

pub   rsa4096 2020-08-07 [SC] [expired: 2022-08-07]

      0A91 2CDE 87F9 9722 36AF  8B50 363A 96A5 CEA9 EA27

uid           [ expired] Parrot Project (2020-2022) <team@parrotsec.org>



pub   rsa4096 2020-08-07 [SC] [expired: 2022-08-07]

      0A91 2CDE 87F9 9722 36AF  8B50 363A 96A5 CEA9 EA27

uid           [ expired] Parrot Project (2020-2022) <team@parrotsec.org>


└──╼ $sudo apt-get update

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:7 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]   

Get:8 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease                  

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Fetched 36.8 kB in 17s (2,226 B/s)

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $sudo apt-get upgrade

apt upgrade is unsafe on rolling release distributions.

using apt full-upgrade instead

use apt upgrade --force to override

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

Calculating upgrade... Done

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.


└──╼ $xset -dpms


└──╼ $  sudo apt autoremove 

kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

The following packages will be REMOVED:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 94 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

After this operation, 84.6 MB disk space will be freed.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y

(Reading database ... 194975 files and directories currently installed.)

Removing libkf5parts-plugins (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5parts5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing kio (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing kded5 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing kpackagetool5 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing kwayland-integration:amd64 (5.20.5-1) ...

Removing libkf5waylandclient5:amd64 (4:5.78.0-2) ...

Removing kwayland-data (4:5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libboost-python1.74.0 (1.74.0-9) ...

Removing libkf5wallet-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5wallet5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkwalletbackend5-5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5notifications5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libdbusmenu-qt5-2:amd64 (0.9.3+16.04.20160218-2+b1) ...

Removing libkpmcore10 (20.12.3-2) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing sonnet-plugins:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libvoikko1:amd64 (4.3-1+b1) ...

Removing libhfstospell11:amd64 (0.5.2-1+b1) ...

Removing libkf5package5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5kiowidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5attica5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5kiogui5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5kiocore5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5textwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5completion5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5completion-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5config-bin (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui-bin:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5service-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5service5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel-bin (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5crash5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5doctools5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccelprivate5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5idletime5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5jobwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5jobwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5kiontlm5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5notifications-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5package-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5parts-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5service-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5solid5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5solid5-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnetui5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnetcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnet5-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5textwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5wallet-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5windowsystem5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5windowsystem-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing phonon4qt5:amd64 (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing phonon4qt5-backend-vlc:amd64 (0.11.2-1) ...

Removing libphonon4qt5-4:amd64 (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing libphonon4qt5-data (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing qtspeech5-speechd-plugin:amd64 (5.15.2-2) ...

Removing libqt5texttospeech5:amd64 (5.15.2-2) ...

Removing libxcb-res0:amd64 (1.14-3) ...

Removing libyaml-cpp0.6:amd64 (0.6.3-9) ...

Removing live-boot-initramfs-tools (1:20210208) ...

update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)

Removing media-player-info (24-2) ...

Removing squashfs-tools (1:4.4-2) ...

Removing user-setup (1.88) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5archive5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5configwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5authcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5auth-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5codecs5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5codecs-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5configgui5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5configwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5guiaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5i18n5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5i18n-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5itemviews5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5itemviews-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5widgetsaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5widgetsaddons-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libpolkit-qt5-1-1:amd64 (0.113.0-1) ...

Removing libkf5coreaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libfam0:amd64 (2.7.0-17.3) ...

Removing libkf5configcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5config-data (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5coreaddons-data (5.78.0-4) ...

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.140) ...

update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64

setupcon: The keyboard model is unknown, assuming 'pc105'. Keyboard may be configured incorrectly.

I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sda2

I: (UUID=e0837fcc-08e1-4245-abf1-82529fe5802e)

I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.

Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.36.0-1) ...

Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-11) ...

Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...

Processing triggers for dbus (1.12.20-2) ...

Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (2.0-1) ...

Processing triggers for udev (247.3-5) ...

Processing triggers for mailcap (3.69) ...

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.26-1) ...

Scanning application launchers

Removing duplicate launchers or broken launchers

Launchers are updated

bash: libkf5archive5: command not found

bash: libkf5config-bin: command not found

bash: libkf5coreaddons-data: command not found

bash: libkf5globalaccel-bin: command not found

bash: libkf5i18n5: command not found

bash: libkf5jobwidgets-data: command not found

bash: libkf5notifications5: command not found

bash: libkf5service-data: command not found

bash: libkf5textwidgets-data: command not found

bash: libkf5widgetsaddons-data: command not found

bash: libkf5xmlgui5: command not found

bash: libxcb-res0: command not found

bash: sonnet-plugins: command not found


└──╼ $apt-get update

Reading package lists... Done

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)

E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

W: Problem unlinking the file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - RemoveCaches (13: Permission denied)

W: Problem unlinking the file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - RemoveCaches (13: Permission denied)


└──╼ $sudo apt-get update

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease   

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Fetched 36.8 kB in 17s (2,227 B/s)

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: 

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification.                                                  The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error:   https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease:                                            The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch                                        https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch                                                                                    

https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease                                                    The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                     

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                                             

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $uname -a

Linux samuel-precisionm4500 5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-6parrot1 (2021-04-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux


└──╼ $date

Tue 19 Sep 2023 12:30:52 PM MDT


└──╼ $



└──╼ $sudo update && full distro-upgrade


We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System

Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:


    #1) Respect the privacy of others.

    #2) Think before you type.

    #3) With great power comes great responsibility.


[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                                            

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

failed to update index lists

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11 libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5

  libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5 libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data

  libkf5configwidgets5 libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5 libkf5globalaccel-bin

  libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5

  libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5 libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5

  libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5 libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5

  libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1 libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5

  phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

Calculating upgrade... Done

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11 libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5

  libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5 libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data

  libkf5configwidgets5 libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5 libkf5globalaccel-bin

  libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5

  libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5 libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5

  libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5 libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5









libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1 libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5

  phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

bash: full: command not found


└──╼ $  lsbrelease -a

bash: lsbrelease: command not found


└──╼ $ lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.

Distributor ID:      Parrot

Description:          Parrot OS 4.11

Release:                4.11

Codename:            n/a


└──╼ $


└──╼ $


└──╼ $


└──╼ $ uname -a

Linux samuel-precisionm4500 5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-6parrot1 (2021-04-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux


└──╼ $


:::::::::::::::::::::::Day Two ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::




└──╼ $  sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                    

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                               

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B




 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE

Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.IClREKT0G9/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://pool.sks-keyservers.net:80 --recv-keys THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE

gpg: "THE_MISSING_KEY_HERE" not a key ID: skipping


└──╼ $sudo apt-key list

Warning: apt-key is deprecated. Manage keyring files in trusted.gpg.d instead (see apt-key(8)).



pub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [SC] [expires: 2029-01-15]

      1F89 983E 0081 FDE0 18F3  CC96 73A4 F27B 8DD4 7936

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (11/bullseye) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [S] [expires: 2029-01-15]




pub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [SC] [expires: 2029-01-15]

      AC53 0D52 0F2F 3269 F5E9  8313 A484 4904 4AAD 5C5D

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (11/bullseye) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2021-01-17 [S] [expires: 2029-01-15]




pub   rsa4096 2021-02-13 [SC] [expires: 2029-02-11]

      A428 5295 FC7B 1A81 6000  62A9 605C 66F0 0D6C 9793

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (11/bullseye) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>




pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expires: 2027-04-12]

      80D1 5823 B7FD 1561 F9F7  BCDD DC30 D7C2 3CBB ABEE

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expires: 2027-04-12]




pub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [SC] [expires: 2027-04-12]

      5E61 B217 265D A980 7A23  C5FF 4DFA B270 CAA9 6DFA

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (10/buster) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2019-04-14 [S] [expires: 2027-04-12]




pub   rsa4096 2019-02-05 [SC] [expires: 2027-02-03]

      6D33 866E DD8F FA41 C014  3AED DCC9 EFBF 77E1 1517

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (10/buster) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>




pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-20]

      E1CF 20DD FFE4 B89E 8026  58F1 E0B1 1894 F66A EC98

uid           [ unknown] Debian Archive Automatic Signing Key (9/stretch) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expires: 2025-05-20]




pub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-20]

      6ED6 F5CB 5FA6 FB2F 460A  E88E EDA0 D238 8AE2 2BA9

uid           [ unknown] Debian Security Archive Automatic Signing Key (9/stretch) <ftpmaster@debian.org>

sub   rsa4096 2017-05-22 [S] [expires: 2025-05-20]




pub   rsa4096 2017-05-20 [SC] [expires: 2025-05-18]

      067E 3C45 6BAE 240A CEE8  8F6F EF0F 382A 1A7B 6500

uid           [ unknown] Debian Stable Release Key (9/stretch) <debian-release@lists.debian.org>




pub   rsa3072 2019-02-11 [SC] [expired: 2021-02-10]

      813E EFE8 0280 C579 E2A1  F5E6 B56F FA94 6EB1 660A

uid           [ expired] Parrot project <team@parrotsec.org>


pub   rsa4096 2020-08-07 [SC] [expired: 2022-08-07]

      0A91 2CDE 87F9 9722 36AF  8B50 363A 96A5 CEA9 EA27

uid           [ expired] Parrot Project (2020-2022) <team@parrotsec.org>




pub   rsa4096 2020-08-07 [SC] [expired: 2022-08-07]

      0A91 2CDE 87F9 9722 36AF  8B50 363A 96A5 CEA9 EA27

uid           [ expired] Parrot Project (2020-2022) <team@parrotsec.org>



└──╼ $sudo apt-get update

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:7 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]  

Get:8 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease                 

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Fetched 36.8 kB in 17s (2,226 B/s)

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $sudo apt-get upgrade


apt upgrade is unsafe on rolling release distributions.


using apt full-upgrade instead


use apt upgrade --force to override




Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

Calculating upgrade... Done

The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.


└──╼ $ xset -dpms


└──╼ $ sudo apt autoremove kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

[sudo] password for samuelfc:

Reading package lists... Done

Building dependency tree... Done

Reading state information... Done

The following packages will be REMOVED:

  kded5 kio kpackagetool5 kwayland-data kwayland-integration libboost-python1.74.0 libdbusmenu-qt5-2 libfam0 libhfstospell11

  libkf5archive5 libkf5attica5 libkf5auth-data libkf5authcore5 libkf5codecs-data libkf5codecs5 libkf5completion-data libkf5completion5

  libkf5config-bin libkf5config-data libkf5configcore5 libkf5configgui5 libkf5configwidgets-data libkf5configwidgets5

  libkf5coreaddons-data libkf5coreaddons5 libkf5crash5 libkf5dbusaddons-bin libkf5dbusaddons-data libkf5dbusaddons5 libkf5doctools5

  libkf5globalaccel-bin libkf5globalaccel-data libkf5globalaccel5 libkf5globalaccelprivate5 libkf5guiaddons5 libkf5i18n-data

  libkf5i18n5 libkf5iconthemes-bin libkf5iconthemes-data libkf5iconthemes5 libkf5idletime5 libkf5itemviews-data libkf5itemviews5

  libkf5jobwidgets-data libkf5jobwidgets5 libkf5kiocore5 libkf5kiogui5 libkf5kiontlm5 libkf5kiowidgets5 libkf5notifications-data

  libkf5notifications5 libkf5package-data libkf5package5 libkf5parts-data libkf5parts-plugins libkf5parts5 libkf5service-bin

  libkf5service-data libkf5service5 libkf5solid5 libkf5solid5-data libkf5sonnet5-data libkf5sonnetcore5 libkf5sonnetui5

  libkf5textwidgets-data libkf5textwidgets5 libkf5wallet-bin libkf5wallet-data libkf5wallet5 libkf5waylandclient5

  libkf5widgetsaddons-data libkf5widgetsaddons5 libkf5windowsystem-data libkf5windowsystem5 libkf5xmlgui-bin libkf5xmlgui-data

  libkf5xmlgui5 libkpmcore10 libkwalletbackend5-5 libphonon4qt5-4 libphonon4qt5-data libpolkit-qt5-1-1 libqt5texttospeech5 libvoikko1

  libxcb-res0 libyaml-cpp0.6 live-boot-initramfs-tools media-player-info phonon4qt5 phonon4qt5-backend-vlc qtspeech5-speechd-plugin

  sonnet-plugins squashfs-tools user-setup

0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 94 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

After this operation, 84.6 MB disk space will be freed.

Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y

(Reading database ... 194975 files and directories currently installed.)

Removing libkf5parts-plugins (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5parts5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing kio (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing kded5 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing kpackagetool5 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing kwayland-integration:amd64 (5.20.5-1) ...

Removing libkf5waylandclient5:amd64 (4:5.78.0-2) ...

Removing kwayland-data (4:5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libboost-python1.74.0 (1.74.0-9) ...

Removing libkf5wallet-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5wallet5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkwalletbackend5-5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5notifications5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libdbusmenu-qt5-2:amd64 (0.9.3+16.04.20160218-2+b1) ...

Removing libkpmcore10 (20.12.3-2) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing sonnet-plugins:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libvoikko1:amd64 (4.3-1+b1) ...

Removing libhfstospell11:amd64 (0.5.2-1+b1) ...

Removing libkf5package5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5kiowidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5attica5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5kiogui5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5kiocore5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5textwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5completion5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5completion-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5config-bin (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui-bin:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5service-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5service5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel-bin (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5crash5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5dbusaddons-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5doctools5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccelprivate5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5globalaccel-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes-bin (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5idletime5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5jobwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5jobwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5kiontlm5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5notifications-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5package-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5parts-data (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5service-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5solid5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5solid5-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnetui5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnetcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5sonnet5-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5textwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5wallet-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5windowsystem5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5windowsystem-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5xmlgui-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing phonon4qt5:amd64 (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing phonon4qt5-backend-vlc:amd64 (0.11.2-1) ...

Removing libphonon4qt5-4:amd64 (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing libphonon4qt5-data (4:4.11.1-3) ...

Removing qtspeech5-speechd-plugin:amd64 (5.15.2-2) ...

Removing libqt5texttospeech5:amd64 (5.15.2-2) ...

Removing libxcb-res0:amd64 (1.14-3) ...

Removing libyaml-cpp0.6:amd64 (0.6.3-9) ...

Removing live-boot-initramfs-tools (1:20210208) ...

update-initramfs: deferring update (trigger activated)

Removing media-player-info (24-2) ...

Removing squashfs-tools (1:4.4-2) ...

Removing user-setup (1.88) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5archive5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5configwidgets5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5authcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5auth-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5codecs5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5codecs-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5configgui5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5configwidgets-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5guiaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-3) ...

Removing libkf5i18n5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5i18n-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5iconthemes-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5itemviews5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5itemviews-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5widgetsaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libkf5widgetsaddons-data (5.78.0-2) ...

Removing libpolkit-qt5-1-1:amd64 (0.113.0-1) ...

Removing libkf5coreaddons5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libfam0:amd64 (2.7.0-17.3) ...

Removing libkf5configcore5:amd64 (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5config-data (5.78.0-4) ...

Removing libkf5coreaddons-data (5.78.0-4) ...

Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.140) ...

update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64

setupcon: The keyboard model is unknown, assuming 'pc105'. Keyboard may be configured incorrectly.

I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/sda2

I: (UUID=e0837fcc-08e1-4245-abf1-82529fe5802e)

I: Set the RESUME variable to override this.

Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.36.0-1) ...

Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.31-11) ...

Processing triggers for man-db (2.9.4-2) ...

Processing triggers for dbus (1.12.20-2) ...

Processing triggers for shared-mime-info (2.0-1) ...

Processing triggers for udev (247.3-5) ...

Processing triggers for mailcap (3.69) ...

Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.26-1) ...

Scanning application launchers

Removing duplicate launchers or broken launchers

Launchers are updated

bash: libkf5archive5: command not found

bash: libkf5config-bin: command not found

bash: libkf5coreaddons-data: command not found

bash: libkf5globalaccel-bin: command not found

bash: libkf5i18n5: command not found

bash: libkf5jobwidgets-data: command not found

bash: libkf5notifications5: command not found

bash: libkf5service-data: command not found

bash: libkf5textwidgets-data: command not found

bash: libkf5widgetsaddons-data: command not found

bash: libkf5xmlgui5: command not found

bash: libxcb-res0: command not found

bash: sonnet-plugins: command not found


└──╼ $ apt-get update

Reading package lists... Done

E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied)

E: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/

W: Problem unlinking the file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - RemoveCaches (13: Permission denied)

W: Problem unlinking the file /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin - RemoveCaches (13: Permission denied)


└──╼ $ sudo apt-get update

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease  

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Fetched 36.8 kB in 17s (2,227 B/s)

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ sudo apt update -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove -y && sudo apt autoclean -y

Get:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Ign:1 file:/run/live/medium rolling InRelease

Get:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Ign:2 file:/run/live/medium rolling Release

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Ign:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Ign:5 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en

Get:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Ign:6 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main Translation-en_CA

Get:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

Err:3 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main amd64 Packages

  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

Get:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Ign:4 file:/run/live/medium rolling/main all Packages

Get:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                    

Get:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease [14.1 kB]                                            

Get:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease [8,641 B]

Err:7 https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:8 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Err:9 https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease

  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

Reading package lists... Done

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot rolling-security InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://mirror.parrot.sh/mirrors/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

W: Failed to fetch https://deb.parrot.sh/parrot/dists/rolling-security/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 823BF07CEB5C469B

E: Failed to fetch file:/run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages  File not found - /run/live/medium/dists/rolling/main/binary-amd64/Packages (2: No such file or directory)

W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.


└──╼ $ uname -a

Linux samuel-precisionm4500 5.10.0-6parrot1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.28-6parrot1 (2021-04-12) x86_64 GNU/Linux


└──╼ $

Tue 19 Sep 2023 12:30:52 PM MDT


└──╼ $

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