Wednesday, February 19, 2020

My On-line Education, Hand Drawings, Oil Paints and Misc.

Thursday September 14, 2023
Parrot Linux Sec. Live CD session 

The operating systems for: 
* Hackers
* Security specialist 
* Sysadmins
* Developers 
* Sysadmins
* Network Engineers 

The ultimate framework for your Cyber Security operations. 

IT and Security professionals 
penetration testing tools to be used for
◇ attack mitigation, 

◇ security research, 

◇ computer forensics, and 

◇ vulnerability assessment. 

◇ anonymous web browsing

* Had issues with Brasero image writer trying to burn CD and DVD. The ios file can not process completely to the DVD

06-20-2023 Monday 

               ~ Samuel F Campbell 




Home Theater 


Home Theater 


Live Entertainment and Home Theater 




Book - JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: An Introduction to Understanding And Implementing Core Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals

JavaScript Coding Skills & Concepts List:


◇ Used A Function – Telling my computer to do a certain thing.

◇ Used A String – Letters words sentences or any thing else I put in between quotations marks.

◇ Created A Variable - Variables are very common in coding They allow me to reference the same piece of information multiple times. In JavaScript, variables can b3e defined using var then giving the variable a unique name.  function( ),  { }, print, and var

◇ Created An Array

◇ Used An Array Indexing

◇ Created An If Statement

◇ Used A Math Operator

◇ Used A Logical Operation

◇ Used A For Loop

◇ Used A Classic For Loop

◇ Used Nestled Loops

◇ Accessed A Property

Fundamentals II

◇ I Altered Strings

◇ Used Variable Scope

◇ Used Assignment Operators




e-learning courses or certifications.

■ JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms - Introduction to Understanding and Implementing Core  Data Structure and Algorithm Fundamentals ~ Samuel F Campbell


The Big O .  


In Progress

Intro to Interviewing
Learn the common tools used to solve real life problems and technical interview questions. At the end of this course you'll solve a challenging Google interview question.
Using a Code Editor
Learn how to use a code editor and begin typing code you learned in Fundamentals I and II on your own.
Getting Started
Learn how to create, manipulate, and animate shapes. This course uses the D3 library, Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), and JavaScript. If this seems a little difficult, try reviewing some puzzles in the Fundamentals course.

Complete Intro to Interviewing to unlock this course

Animations II
This course shows you how to create interactive, manipulatable animations. You'll get to create more complex functions and use arrow functions for the first time.

Complete Animations to unlock this course

Array Methods
Learn different ways to search arrays, combine elements, and transform elements using arrow functions.

Complete Intro to Interviewing to unlock this course

Learn how to automate tasks using Apps Script, a Google product powered by JavaScript.

Complete Using a Code Editor to unlock this course

Debugging Code
Learn how to spot errors of different types and how to use coding tools such as try catch statements and the console for debugging.

Complete Intro to Interviewing to unlock this course

Learn about functions, create variables, control code flow, and much more. This course uses JavaScript, but the concepts can be applied to any coding language.
Fundamentals II
Building on the knowledge you gained in Fundamentals; learn how to manipulate string and arrays, use alternative approaches to similar problems and create your own functions.
Intro to Interviewing
Learn the common tools used to solve real life problems and technical interview questions. At the end of this course you'll solve a challenging Google interview question.

Intro to Web Development
Intro to Webpages
Learn about HTML, CSS, and how JavaScript can interact with them.

Complete Using a Code Editor to unlock this course

Using a Code Editor
Learn how to use a code editor and begin typing code you learned in Fundamentals I and II on your own.


You've completed Fundamentals II!

Great job getting so far. in this course you 
learned about string and array methods, 
alternative options like the t43nnary operator, and
complex concepts like recursion and callbacks.